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CoCo Katsura 

sleek mag 3 photo t.h.hauser
Sleek mag photo:t.h.hauser
uni project Body and rope photo :Martin Quiroz
Uni project Photo by Martin Quiroz
photo by SHUTO
photo by Aya Sawada
Moon light Bath 
30-01-2018 thanks for making beautiful photo @glazovphoto I feel young 😅
    Film Edit :  pedro maria 
    Model  :sana sakura 
  Creative directer: CoCo Katsura

Life is The Puzzle
Film Edit : Rainer
Model :Eden Berlin
Art Direction: CoCo Katsuta






Shibari x Technology x Performance x Art

born in Tokyo, Japan
moved to Berlin - 2011

Japanese Rope Bondage Performer
Fire Performer
Body Suspencion Performence
Installation artist
Japanease shibari workshop

She has started to work as a body modfication performer in the year 2000 in Tokyo underground secne,
Her unique style is a mix of cult japanease classic form and modern gothic decadance.

CoCo has performed at over 100 stages across the world during past 15 years.
Mainly Germany, Japan, The Netherlands, Belgium and France.
Her intention towards her art is to reach other peoples hearts and thoughts by the usage of her body.
mainly CoCo is performing
Fetish gothic event, bodymodification conferrence, japanease culture event. music 
  art Garelly ..CoCo features a lot of different artists and styles, trying to make beautiful space productions.
1999-2011 - her performances have a taste of death, and nature smell.
For the past 10 years, CoCo has focused on the body Movement with Bondage  Hers  native  culture, collaborating with butoh dancers, video artists, and live sound artists to  create works togetherbore. old work check facebook :)
and she is still performing and doing  Japanease shibari workshop


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Stage projekt. exphibiton Installation.
shooting .shibariworkshop etc ....send me message from here


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